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The Schouw

With a Schouw (or Pont) peat could be transported at the time. Just like the legendary 'Turfschip van Breda', 'The Schouw' can infiltrate the city and transform.

The 'fold-out system' is based on Chinese paper cutting art, Kirigami. In a simple manner, a three-dimensional culture pavilion can be made of a flat surface (pontoon), which can change shape according to the desired function.

The different functions can be experienced in two ways:

01 from the waterfront, as pop / dance / theater stage or open-air cinema.

02 from the water as a floating culture pavilion with water terrace.
      An open or closed pavilion can be chosen for exhibitions, pop-up restaurant or dance / theater performances.

CLIENT: Breda City

Competition initiated by 'Gebouw F' center for architecture and BNI, association Dutch Architects.


seeds, love seeds, art, objects


July, 2018